New vessel in the fleet
We are delighted that we have been able to add another ship to our fleet. The MV “JPO Venus” was taken over on 16.12.2024. Under the command of Captain Lysy and C/E Gani, the ship sails in the trade between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. We wish a safe voyage to the crew and the ship at all times!

New vessel under our management
We are proud to announce that we have taken another vessel under our management. The MV “Pescara” was taken over on 28.08.2023. Under the command of Capt. Dubchak and C/E Popko the vessel is serving in the trade between Europe and West Africa. We are very pleased about the trust placed in us, the expansion of our business relationship and see this additional ship as a sign of recognition of the good work of crew and management.

New vessel under our management
We are proud to announce that we have taken another vessel under our management. The MV “JPO Aquila” was taken over on 30.09.2022. Under the command of Capt. Lysy and C/E Ramos the vessel is serving in the feeder trade in the Caribbean. We are very pleased about the faith put into our company and see this additional vessel as a sign of appreciation of the good work of both our crew and our management.

Sale „Aries“
On 22.08.2022 the "Aries" was handed over to her new owner. We thank our crew for the smooth preparation of the handover.
Docking „JPO Gemini“
On 11.08.2022 the "JPO Gemini" completed her docking at the Navantia Cadiz shipyard in Spain. In addition to the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First was also installed. Furthermore, the underwater hull was coated with a silicone paint to reduce frictional resistance during operation which will also lead to reduced fuel consumption and corresponding CO2 emissions.

Docking „JPO Aries“
On 28.06.2021, the "JPO Aries" completed docking at the COSCO Shanghai shipyard in China. Besides the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First was also installed. The "JPO Aries" was prepared for the next five years. Furthermore, the "JPO Aries" was renamed into "Aries" in the course of the change of ownership and could be delivered to the new charter in time despite adverse, Corona-related circumstances.

Docking "Scorpius"
On 10.03.2021 the "Scorpius" completed her docking at the Kuzey Star shipyard in Turkey. In addition to the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First was also installed. In the course of the docking, the "Scorpius" was also renamed from "JPO Scorpius" to her current name.
The picture shows the “Scorpius” in her first port of loading after the docking (Livorno).

Docking „JPO Aquarius“
On 24.11.2020 the "JPO Aquarius" completed her docking at the Xinya shipyard in China. Besides the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First was also installed. The "JPO Aquarius" was the first ship in the recent history of our shipping company to be docked again after 20 years and to be prepared for the next five years.

Sale Teal Hunter / Takeover Wan Hai 521
On 06.01.2021 the Teal Hunter was sold to Wan Hai Lines. We are glad that the ship will nevertheless remain in our technical management. As part of the sale, the name of the ship was changed to "Wan Hai 521". From now on the ship will sail under the flag of Singapore.
The end of an era
By December 31, 2020, Captain Jan Oltmann has retired from the Oltmann shipping company. Jan Oltmann has served our company as a managing director for more than 32 years. He and his brother Captain Peter Oltmann became both a shareholder back in 1988, when their late father retired. Since then they have grown the company significantly, and they stayed on course during the period which is known as the worst global crisis in the maritime industry. Jan Oltmann started his professional career back in 1973 immediately upon the completion of his Abitur, onboard the MV „Antje Oltmann“. He was swiftly promoted to the role of a sea going captain in 1982. Upon the change in management in 1988, his duties moved away from seagoing operations over to managerial responsibilties for the shipping company. His key focus there has been on the technical as well as the crew management. Effective January 1, 2021, Lukas Oltmann will take over from Jan Oltmann. Together with his father Peter, he will continue the family tradition in the forthcoming years as a managing director and owner. The company and all of the operational staff, office-based as well as onboard, owe Jan a big thank you for his extraordinary and successful contribution. We all wish him the best of luck for the future.

„JPO Pisces“ – Successful search and rescue
On 22.12.2020, the "JPO Pisces" was called to a maritime emergency. 10 castaways were floating in a life raft in the South China Sea. Despite bad weather conditions (visibility 2nm, wind force 6-7), Captain Dinu and his crew managed to find the castaways and take them on board. The rescued sailors were provided with food, water and dry clothes and are well. Currently, the ship is on its way to Yantian where the rescued seafarers will be given ashore. We thank Captain Dinu and his crew for their efforts. The crew as well as the rescued seamen will remember this day for a long time.

Docking “JPO Libra”
On 09.10.2020 the "JPO Libra" completed her docking at the Xinya shipyard in China. In addition to the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First was also installed. Furthermore, the underwater hull was coated with a silicone paint to reduce frictional resistance during operation, as was previously applied on the sister ship "JPO Pisces".

JPO Aries – Search and Rescue
On 09.10.2020, the JPO Aries assisted in a Search and Rescue Operation near the Canary Islands. At 03:20 UTC a radio message was received from the MRCC Las Palmas asking them to assist in the search for a small rubber boat. The ship under the command of Captain Eickmeier responded to this request and located the rubber boat about one hour later and remained on site until a rescue ship of the local authorities was on scene. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Captain Eickmeier and his crew for their efforts!

Docking “Independent Quest”
On 30.09.2020, the "Independent Quest" completed her docking at the Lisnave Estaleiros Navais shipyard in Setubal, Portugal. In addition to the normal shipyard activities, a BWTS from Erma First and an optimized propeller from MMG were installed. In the course of the docking and against the background of the new long-term charter, the ship name was changed from "JPO Leo" to "Independent Quest".

2/O Maurin / 25 Year Loyalty
In August of this year, a further 25 years of service was celebrated on board of the Vela. The 2nd officer Erin Maurin was congratulated on behalf of the shipping company by Captain Weyna for his many years of service in our company. During this celebration, 2/O Maurin was also presented with a certificate and a gift. We thank Mr. Maurin for his loyalty as well as his good work in the best sense for our shipping company.

D. Dräger and H. Hartmann / Company anniversary
Our employees Mr. Dräger and Mrs. Hartmann celebrated their 10th anniversary with us on August 1st, 2020. Mr. Dräger and Mrs. Hartmann have been working for the company for a decade now. We thank them for their valuable cooperation and reliable work in the best sense for our company.

Docking "VELA"
On 29.04.2020 the “VELA” has completed her scheduled docking in the Xinya shipyard at Zhoushan. Apart from the regular docking works, a BWTS from maker Erma First was installed.

Foundation of an IT company
Since 01.04.2020 the IT company "Maritime IT Services GmbH" has been in operation. From now on, the employee Mr. Markus Kettler will deal with the company's internal IT tasks and look after the ships of our fleet in this field. We welcome Mr. Kettler and wish him all the best for his new task!

Farewell to Peter Fuhrmann
On 01.04.2020, our technical superintendent Mr. Peter Fuhrmann had his last working day in our office and was bid farewell by the staff in his well-deserved retirement. Mr. Fuhrmann had been working on board and in the office for our shipping company since 1979. We are all very grateful to Mr. Fuhrmann for his decades of good work and loyalty and wish him all the best for his retirement!

New vessel under our management
We are proud to announce that we have taken another vessel under our management. The MV “A La Marine” was taken over on 31.01.2020. Under the command of Capt. Ivanov and C/E Roldan the vessel is serving in the feeder trade in the North and Baltic Sea. The owner of the vessel is a longtime business partner of ours. We are very pleased about the faith put into our company and see this additional vessel as a sign of appreciation of the good work of both our crew and our management.